Important MCQ for ADRE Assam Grade 4 exam 2024 

In this article we will discuss about the most important MCQ, which is appeared in ADRE Assam Grade 4 exam 2024 and That is also important for other examination. 

Q. “Gobha Raja” is the titular king of which community ?

(A) Ahom
(B) Mishing
(C) Khamti
(D) Tiwa

Q. “গোভা ৰজা” কোন সম্প্ৰদায়ৰ উপাধি ৰজা ?
(A) আহোম
(B) মিছিং
(C) খামতি
(D) তিৱা 

Answer  :-   (D) Tiwa, তিৱা